
IV Drip

IV Drip is simply giving your body the nutrients and vitamin supply it needs directly into the bloodstream via intravenous injection. These nutrients and vitamins are determined by the doctor through medical and treatment history. A physical examination will be conducted and depending on which health issues the patient has, the doctor will give the appropriate supplement formula, which are:

Rejuvenation formula for sleepy, hard-working people, consisting of Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamins B and Chelping to restore and nourish the skin effectively.
? Increases skin moisture
? Increase skin radiance
? Strengthens the skin
? Helps enhance brain function
? Helps keep the skin smooth, soft, and healthy

Clear and refreshing skin rejuvenation formula by Glutathione, which helps eliminate toxins from the liver. Makes the skin white and glow with radiance.

Chelation formula (Chelation) helps detoxify the body and slow down aging. Stimulates the immune system and helps reduce the effects of stress.
Every day, we live in a society filled with enormous stress and pollution. No matter how much we avoid it, our body receives contaminated air, water, and food on a daily basis. Chemicals such as Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Arsenic, toxic residues from insecticides and others, added with lack of exercise and rest increases the risk of numerous illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and respiratory diseases. These conditions are getting more prevalent at an alarming rate. And, with our lifestyle, especially those who live in the city, they are getting harder to curb. A change in lifestyle is needed- exercise regularly, reduce stress, have proper rest with relaxation and meditation, eat nutritious meals, and avoid pollution. All of these are difficult to maintain considering our fast-paced, rat race society. That’s when the new method of Alternative Medicine comes in, designed to help detoxify our body. Toxins and other harmful residues are flushed out of the body, creating balance. One of these new methods is Chelation Therapy, which is certified by the Thai Chulalongkorn Association Alternative Medicine Office, Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine Development, and Ministry of Public Health.

Vascular detoxification treatment options you can choose
Chelation is the administration of saline solution into the bloodstream along with synthetic amino acid called EDTA, vitamins, and minerals to get rid of heavy metals such as Lead, Mercury, and Arsenic, and even excessive Calcium. They accumulate in the tissues and are stick to the walls of the arteries, making them hard to eliminate through the urinary tract. Chelation is accepted by doctors around the world to treat arthritis. It improves blood circulation for people with coronary artery disease, and the possibility of bypass surgery can be reduced to 85 percent because of better cardiac blood supply. It has the ability to remove heavy metals that have attached to the vascular wall, giving the blood vessels better flexibility and more room for expansion. It reduces the amount of free radicals and reduces cholesterol absorption. The duration of each treatment is two and a half to three hours, during which the patient can just relax while watching television, reading or listening to music until the treatment is over. You can feel the changes with reduced chest pain from lack of cardiac blood supply, and better sleep quality.

– Eliminates toxins inside the body.
– Reduces the risk of cancer.
– Improves blood circulation.
– Reduces risk of coronary artery disease, vascular stenosis, ischemic heart disease, and hypertension.
– Prevents degenerative disease caused by poor blood circulation.

Why do we need to detoxify with Chelation Therapy?
We now live in a world full of contaminated water, air, soil, and food. In everything, there is the possibility that we introduce heavy metals into our body. They can be found in building materials, cosmetics, medicines, processed food, fuel sources, and even health care products- causing abnormalities to organisms, especially to us humans. And, our daily exposure to these substances leads to faster, continuous deterioration of our organs.

Therapy Treatment
“Chelation therapy against aging and deterioration of the organs by removing heavy metals and toxins from the body. “Chelation Therapy is a treatment plan to slow down the aging and deterioration of the body by using the method of removing heavy metals inside us, freeing us from toxicity and creating balance within.

Chelation Therapy Procedure
1. Physical Examination and History Taking. The doctor will assess your current condition and ask about your pertinent past and present health history for a holistic and appropriate treatment guideline.
2. Basic laboratory testing to determine factors that might affect the therapy.
3. Live blood analysis to check blood conditions while the cells are still “alive”. It can assess the condition of the body and covers many diseases.
4. Chelation Therapy. Administer the appropriate drug formula specific for each individual.
5. Follow-up periodically, depending on the nature of the disease or condition.

How long does a treatment take?
Each therapy session takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Is there a need for recovery?
Patients can do their usual activities after the therapy.

What should be done after the therapy?
– Eat nutritious food. Do not eat processed food, and avoid eating food with synthetic coloring and flavors
– Drink enough water
– Have enough rest
– Avoid stress
– Exercise regularly
– Avoid drinking alcohol and using cigarettes

What to Expect after Chelation Therapy
After the programmed Chelation Therapy, along with appropriate lifestyle changes, problems with various diseases are significantly reduced and good health is restored. Aging will eventually take its course and its toll, but there will be a significant change in the rate of aging and there is an overall positive effect in ones energy even when the Chelation Therapy is over.