
Hair Removal/ Permanent Hair Removal

White, smooth, and hairless skin is what almost every woman wants. Facial hair makes our face look dull and our makeup look uneven. Hair on our underarms, legs, and bikini area make us feel unconfident, especially in summer. Lumenis IPL (IPL 650) can erase these worries away.

What is Lumenis One (IPL 650)
A widely accepted medical technology that uses highly-concentrated light energy for the purpose of effective hair removal.

IPL 650
Pulse of light is passed through the skin with a wavelength of 650-950nm. The light beams that are absorbed by the melanin cells of the hair heats up the follicles causing cell destruction and hair growth suppression. A few amount of new hair will still grow after the treatment, but these will be light and thin in appearance and fine in texture.

Permanent hair removal- Does that mean there will be no more hair in that area?
Hair removal with Lumenis One (IPL 650) does not mean a 100% zero-hair growth on the treated areas. After the treatment, almost 80% of the hair will be removed, and some of these hair will still grow back but these will be lighter and finer.